Today is the 11 year anniversary of the death of my father. It seems hard to believe that he has been gone so long. Sadly, with each passing year my memories fade a little more. What I wouldn't give to be able to hear his voice clearly, to laugh at his goofy sense of humor, to spend time getting to know him now that I am an adult. My dad has been gone for about 1/3 of my life and the majority of my adult years. My relationship with him was not perfect, but I do miss him and I look forward to the opportunity that I will have to someday get to know him for who he truly is.

Roger B. Wilson
December 26, 1944-March 16, 1997
That really hit home again tonight when a friend of mine came over to tell me that a close friend of ours had just lost her younger brother. My heart is filled with sorrow for her family and I can only pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort and sustain them in this hard time.
I'll keep this short because it is late and has been an emotional day. I just want to end by saying that if you are reading this, you are probably a part of my life and I want you to know that whether we talk every day or our communications are few and far between--I am grateful for you, you have touched my life and continue to in ways you may not know. I love you and wish you nothing but the best. Just thought you should know...
Thanks for sharing that Alyssa - I think we all need those reminders... Love ya girl!
You look so much like your dad Alyssa. I bet he could do a mean avocado dance if he tried. :)
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