Sunday, February 24, 2008

100 things you always (or perhaps never) wanted to know about Alyssa

So what could be easier than just doing a little free association and writing down a hundred random things about myself. Here goes:

1. I was born 9 months and 5 days after my parents got married (can you say honeymoon baby?)
2. I used to label my socks by side and number (ex. R1 and L1) so the foot pattern would always wear the same.
3. I'm a reality TV junkie (yes, I'll admit it) and would love to be on the Amazing Race.
4. I got a parasite on my mission (to the Dominican Republic) and named him Charlie.
5. I skipped a grade in elementary school...only did the first half of 2nd grade and the second half of 3rd grade.
6. Because of #5 I do not know how to write in cursive.
7. I am horrible at small talk.
8. Even though my mom does not believe me, I am ADHD.
9. I was an only child until age 11.
10. My Grandma Wilson lived around the corner from me and was my best friend growing up.
11. I worked at the laundry in Yellowstone Park for 3 days...the 3 longest days of my life!
12. I seriously think I am addicted to chocolate.
13. I love to play racquetball.
14. My dream job would be to have a show on the Travel Channel (you know, like a much less annoying and much funnier Samantha Brown) and get paid to experience new places and cultures.
15. My first overseas trip was to Taiwan at age 15 where I toured the country for 10 days playing violin with a performing group.
16. I love to go on canoe or rafting trips.
17. One of my favorite places in the whole world is Waterton Lakes National Park near Cardston, Alberta.
18. I am 37.5% Canadian give or take.
19. I am afraid of little babies...I'm quite sure I will break them.
20. I wish I were more self-motivated.
21. I hate change.
22. I studied German for 5 years and then got called on a Spanish-speaking mission. Go figure!
23. If I could be a Latin singer, I would be salsa queen Celia Cruz (azucar!)
24. If I could be an English singer, I would be Norah Jones.
25. I'd love to wear flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt year-round.
26. I have a BA in Psychology and Sociology (double major).
27. I have a Master's degree in Social Work.
28. My dad died in a house fire in 1997.
29. I would love to devote more time to photography and have fancy cameras and equipment.
30. I have been snorkeling twice but scared out of my mind both times because I don't want the fish to touch me.
31. I don't want to eat fish or any sea creatures/items either.
32. I hate running just to run.
33. I have ridden an elephant in Thailand.
34. I have been to 3 of the New 7 Wonders of the World (Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Taj Majal).
35. I helped build 2 houses in Posoltega, Nicaragua.
36. I am afraid I will die young of a terminal illness.
37. Because of #36, I am afraid of doctors but recently went to one for the first time in many years.
38. As of today, I have NOT been diagnosed with a terminal illness. :)
39. I love buying shoes and have way too many for my own good.
40. I have a red miniature poodle named Hurley.
41. I have done numerous radio, print and television interviews in Mexico. Soy famosa!
42. I am a pack rat and have a sentimental attachment to many silly things I should just toss.
43. I love Dr. Pepper!
44. If my dishwasher is not loaded the way I like it, I will unload it and reload according to my likes.
45. I inherited #44 from my mom.
46. I had a bulimic college roommate that would purge while listening to church music. Go figure!
47. Another college roommate from that same year is a member of the Surly Girlies roller derby team in Arizona. Go Candy Cannons!
48. I have to plug my nose when I go under water.
49. I'm not very creative when it comes to blogging...either that or my life is too boring.
50. I hate folding clothes and ironing.
51. I wish I didn't snore.
52. I like to listen to NPR.
53. I've been in a singles ward so long I can hardly remember what a family ward is like.
54. I do not like other people's naked feet.
55. Despite #54 I actually like getting pedicures...the mecca of others' naked feet.
56. I wish I had more patience.
57. When I was little I once used my mom's toothbrush to brush our dog's teeth. She found out about it later from my grandma's neighbor.
58. I am a lot more emotional, sentimental, nostalgic, sappy etc than I let on to.
59. Almost every movie can make me cry (ex. I actually shed tears in "To Wong Foo--Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar."
60. I almost drowned in the ocean while boogeyboarding.
61. I am a worrier.
62. Sometimes I think I have a communication disorder.
63. I have been in a long distance relationship...more than once. Obviously it doesn't work for me.
64. I had a Navajo foster sister when I was in 4th grade.
65. The first night she stayed at our house I fell off the top bunk of our new bunk beds and broke my arm.
66. I am allergic to bee stings and make a fool of myself whenever one comes around.
67. I tend to overanalyze just about everything.
68. Historically, I have not been very good with money but am getting better.
69. Math is not my friend.
70. I love to tease people.
71. Some of my nicknames are or have been: Lys, Lyssy-Lou, Grover, casco de chivo (goat head), Alyassa and some others I can't remember.
72. I am afraid of dying in a plane crash.
73. I hate wearing make-up.
74. I am an impulse buyer and emotional spender.
75. I worked a summer as a camp counselor and went by the name Snow.
76. I love Air Supply and have been to two of their concerts.
77. My first car was a 1984 Honda Accord manual transmission that I bought without knowing how to drive a stick.
78. I am a horrible procrastinator.
79. I used to be an amazing speller before learning Spanish.
80. I sleep smack in the middle of my queen size bed.
81. I would love to be in a play if I were a bit more confident.
82. I am a karaoke addict under the right circumstances.
83. I have a ghetto alter-ego named Laryssa.
84. I get nervous when I have to call someone on the phone.
85. I sing alto in a community production of Handel's Messiah each Christmas.
86. I love the beach and the mountains. I wish I could be close to both at once.
87. I only have 12 cousins total between both sides of my family.
88. I think I have changed a lot and wish I could go back to being more like I used to be.
89. I am afraid of heights.
90. I am deathly afraid of snakes and rats/rodents.
91. You couldn't pay me enough to relive high school.
92. I like to people watch.
93. I wish I hadn't quit playing the violin.
94. I wish I could play the guitar.
95. I love camping and hiking.
96. I wish I were a better cook...or at least had more of a variety in my repertoire.
97. I would like to learn Portuguese.
98. I should be in bed right now instead of doing this. I tend to stay up way later than I should...I'm not as young as I used to be.
99. I don't know my blood type but hope to remedy that soon.
100. I'm a much better dancer in my head than what my body exhibits.


Chanda said...

Love it! And I totally disagree with #100. C'mon, the avocado dance?

Cory or Cari said...

I've been away from blogging for a long time and just loved to read all of this. Yes, I read every single one. (My baby is due Thursday and I'm doing anything I can to distract myself) Life is in slow motion. Oh, by the way, Cory wants to move us to Chile, would you come visit?

Susan Brady said...

I love your blog. I now know more about your thank I care to admit about myself. Love to you. Aunt Susan

KH said...

Again, I cannot think of a time that I have laughed more in my life! I thought they were hilarious, but not all of them.

Mackgrl said...

Alyssa...we have to spend more time together...I didn't know several of the 100 things...this IS Alyssa WILSON, right???