Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A new addiction?

This blogthings place has too many quizzes period. I think I am easily entertained. I've probably taken another 20 quizzes but this has been the tops in terms of ringing home with me:

The Part of You That No One Sees
You are balanced, peaceful, and sincere.
You're the type of person who goes along to get along.
And you're definitely afraid of rocking the boat.

Underneath it all, you fear your world falling apart.
You'll put up with a situation that you don't like in fear of changing it.
Disruptive and forceful people intimidate you - and sometimes exploit you.


Chanda said...

I'm glad I inspired you to go a little deeper into the realms of your being. . . :) What I want to know is what Sesame Street character are you?

Kim said...

love your blog...you are lys-a-licious baby!

Susan Brady said...

I love your blog, and I too read each and every item on your list, now I know more about you than I will admit about myself. Love you
Aunt Susan