Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The curse of jet lag!

Ok, maybe you thought (or hoped) that I had completely given up on my blog...but alas, that is not the case. Internet access in India was not the greatest...essentially we had to kick some employee off of their work computer either at or hotels or the travel agency to even check our email. Therefore I didn't feel that it would be very appropriate to take the time to post a blog entry.

Nonetheless, we have been back in the States for a few days now. I promise to post my travelogue when I have a bit more time (perhaps this weekend.) In the meanwhile, I wanted to make quick mention of the curse of jet lag. I'm beginning to wonder if I am getting too old to travel half way around the world because jet lag is still kicking my trash at this point.

I don't remember how badly I suffered from jet lag coming back from Thailand a couple of years ago...although I do remember how completey trashed I was tyring to go back to work the very next day after getting home--BAD idea! Needless to say, I opted to give myself a couple of days to recover before jumping back into life with both feet.

My first attempt at sleep did not go well. I ended up going to bed at 4:00 in the morning on Saturday when we got home but then the dog wanted to get up at his normal time of 6:30. Although I tried to get him to go back to sleep with me, I couldn't rest much for fear that he would either pee on my bed or jump down unbenownst to me and destroy my house. Fortunately at around 9:30 a.m. Heidi's sister came and rescued me. I then passed out until 1:00 p.m. and decided I should get up so I could try to get back on schedule.

Saturday night went a little better, although I couldn't fall asleep until late and didn't feel rested getting up. Sunday night was a complete mess as I fell asleep at 1:00 a.m. and found myself wide awake at 4:00 a.m. I do not suggest attempting one's first day at work after vacation on only 3 hours of sleep. Another tip is to NOT have your picture taken for a new ID badge on that same day. I look slightly drunk/stoned/challenged in the if my coworkers didn't have enough fodder to back up that idea anyway. Hmmm...

The past couple of nights have gone a bit better thanks to Benadryl. However, I find myself fighting with the alarm clock for over an hour every morning...which isn't usually like me. And then there's that nasty fatigue wall I hit between 3:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon that completely sucks the will to live right out of me.

A coworker mentioned to me that it takes him 2 weeks to adjust back after going to China. For everyone's sake, let's hope that isn't true in my case. Perhaps I should head to COSTCO to stock up on some industrial size Benadryl. :) Any other suggestions/remedies? Wish me luck, time to hit the hay for tonight.


Lanna said...

My husband used to travel to Australia and England for work on a regular basis. He says the trick is to stay awake until that time zone's bedtime. It's really hard, but it helps. Good luck!

Cory or Cari said...

You crack me up. I can't wait to hear about yout adventure.

kylem said...

My aunt (she travels to China) uses Tylenol PM to get her back on schedule.