Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Road trippin' it!!

Ahhh, one of the great American traditions...well at least it used to be before gas got so darn expensive. In today's fast-paced world it may have become somewhat of a lost art as well. Who wants to spend 12 hours in a car when you can get there by plane in about 2? I, however, am still a big fan of the occasional road trip.

I, however, am still a big fan of the occasional road trip. I went on an awesome roadtrip last summer with Heidi as we hit 4 National Parks in 11 days (Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Glacier and Waterton Lakes in Alberta Canada). I think we covered over 2.000 miles that trip and that was only what we did by car. Who knows how many miles we hiked...probably not in the thousands although by the end of the trip it felt that way. But who could pass up seeing views as beautiful as this? I would definitely recommend a visit to Glacier and Waterton (which is basically the Canadian side of Glacier) for those of you who haven't been there. It truly is heaven on earth!

Every year for the past 5 or 6 years I have had an annual road trip to look forward to. For those of you who don't know, my mom and little sis live in Simi Valley, CA (between the San Fernando Valley and Thousand Oaks). Every summer they come up to spend a couple of weeks with me here in SLC and also have a chance to reconnect with friends and family in the area. This annual emigration usually goes like this:

  1. I fly down to California, usually on a Friday.
  2. Saturday and Sunday I drive the family van back to Utah.
  3. We party it up and have a grand old time for 2 weeks, give or take.
  4. We load up the van & retrace our steps back through the desert over 2 days.
  5. I fly back to Utah and collapse for a couple of days.

Anyway, this past weekend was the first part of the annual emigration and so I am now enjoying the company of my family. However, I am completely convinced that they are far more excited to be spending time with my new puppy than they are me. I guess I can't fault them though...he is definitely much cuter and fun than I am. Here's to road trips and being together with friends and family!

Mama Donna and Meg-a-roo

1 comment:

Mackgrl said...

I looked all over for you Fri then realized you were on the road takinb the fam back. COME BACK to me. I can't take any more lunches without you...how will I survive when you are gone to India. You no love me no more. :(

Late night patheticness (is that a real word) has taken over my emotions...

COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!