- 2 women's shelters
- A halfway house for schizophrenics
- Transitional housing for the recenly homeless
- Housing for people with AIDS
- 2 towers of fixed income living (mainly geriatrics)
- 400 members with a 50% turnover each year (200 in, 200 out)
- A core group of 40-some-odd folks who keep the ward afloat.
Needless to say, we are in for quite a change from the relative stability of the singles ward. But based on the above, I would argue that they could use a couple of gals with some leadership ability...and a social worker to boot. This is going to be a big adjustment for me but I am hoping that I will be able to find ways to serve that maybe I haven't experienced before. I am a little worried about my own growth in gospel knowledge/understanding but I guess that means I'll need to focus more on my personal efforts in that area.
I am excited for this new opportunity in many ways. I was also a bit scared/taken aback by a few things yesterday. Is it bad to laugh out loud at some of the stuff that happened? Heidi and I will be starting a book of quotes that we hear and I'm sure I'll post some of them here. Your sampler from yesterday, as given by an elderly woman in a flowery dress:
"Sometimes when I look into the eyes of my Dachsund, I see the eyes of Jesus."
SAY WHAT?!?! Stay tuned for more adventures in the Liberty 9th Ward.
Honey, is it irreverent to laugh out loud? Having spent one Sunday there with you, I can vividly re-create this scenario. You'll have to write down every joyous, odd, poignant, and faithful thing you witness. I believe you will be able to write something special about them. Don't worry about losing any personal spiritual growth, because I think Heavenly Father knows HOW to accomplish that at this time in your life. Love you!!!
Oh boy...I can't wait to hear the stories!!! Good luck w/the new ward...
Sounds to me like you were guided to this ward. Your sweet bishop must have prayed you in. He is probably saying his thank you prayers about now. You will be blessed in this ward as much as you will bless it. Probably more.
This mission field is always a growing experience. Some how we just didn't realize it would be downtown SLC. Good luck and Let the spirit be with you. " Laughter is a special gift " Use it. Aunt Susan
This post made me laugh out loud. Please remember the Downtown D.I. is a great resource (as I once worked there and probably encountered some of your fellow ward members). I'll be looking forward to future "quotes"!
Good luck in your new ward. It sounds like you will have lots of interesting experiences and I'll look forward to more funny quotes. :)
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